Our Approach

We don't make assumptions.

“Search marketing, and most Internet marketing in fact, can be very threatening because there are no rules. There’s no safe haven. To do it right, you need to be willing to be wrong. But search marketing done right is all about being wrong. Experimentation is the only way."
-Mike Moran (marketer with a really good quote)

Three Phase Process

Phase 1 | Testing

1 Month

There are two types of people in the world; people who jump right into the pool and hope it’s not cold, and those who dip a toe in to test the waters. When it comes to your marketing strategy, dipping your toe in is almost always the correct decision. How can you possibly know which ad messaging or marketing channel is most effective for your product and customers before testing the market? Short answer is — you can’t! At Duo our first step in determining the perfect marketing mix for your startup is to perform A/B and multivariate testing across several different marketing channels to uncover key metrics about your target market that will drive future marketing decisions and strategy.

Phase 2 | Optimization

1-2 Months

Once we’ve uncovered the key metrics and most effective methods from our testing phase, we simply implement these findings into a larger marketing initiative designed to reach your startup’s goals; more sales, app downloads, email signups, demo requests — any measurable action that advances your company to the next level.

Phase 3 | Scale & Empower

As Long As You Need Us

After 1 to 2 months of strategy optimization, our final phase revolves around the implementation of a conclusive strategy that brings on additional marketing channels to scale marketing initiatives and increase revenue. We would love to stay a part of your team as long as possible. However, we know long-term marketing contracts can sometimes hurt long-term relationships. That is why we are always month to month― as long as you need us.

Our Belief

Let's Learn Together

One of the core pillars of our service lies within the education of our process. We believe transparency and close collaboration with our clients is paramount in creating sustainable relationships and marketing strategy that will last for years.

Word of Mouth

Given the temporary nature of our work, we’re betting on ourselves to make a good impression. We’re tired of the agency model that leaves companies with no explanation on how their money was spent or how their results were achieved. We want you to love working with us. Through this approach, we’re not asking you to introduce us to your parents, but rather, if your buddy’s business needs some marketing, let them know, you know a Duo.